Monday, February 15, 2010

20 Essential Questions

20 Essential Questions or Complex Problems with Standards - Fourth Grade


  1. What are different ways to count?
    1. Standard 6.A.2 - Compare and order whole numbers
  2. What are different ways to model addition and subtraction?
    1. Standard 6.B.2 - Solve one- and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction
  3. How do the four operations relate to each other?
    1. Standard 6.B.2 - Solve one- and two-step problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  4. How can information be gathered?
    1. Standard 10.B.2a - Formulate questions of interest and select methods to systematically collect data

Language Arts:

  1. What is the purpose of reading?
    1. Standard 1.B.2a - Establish purposes for reading
  2. What do good readers do?
    1. Standard 1 - Read with understanding and fluency
  3. How do you comprehend what you are reading?
    1. Standard 1.A.2a - Read and comprehend unfamiliar words using root words, synonyms, antonyms, word origins, and derivations
  4. What makes writing worth reading?
    1. Standard 3.C - Communicate ideas in writing to accomplish a variety of purposes


  1. How do models help us understand science?
    1. Standard 11.A - Know and apply the concepts, principles and processes of scientific inquiry
  2. Why do we see the moon in different shapes?
    1. Standard 12.F.2a - Identify and explain natural cycles in the solar system (e.g. moon phases)
  3. Why do we have day and night?
    1. Standard 12.F.2a - Identify and explain natural cycles in the solar system
  4. How can matter be changed?
    1. Standard 12.C.2b - Describe and explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases
  5. What are different forms of energy?
    1. Standard 12.C.2a - Describe and compare types of energy including light, heat, sound, electrical and mechanical

Social Studies:

  1. What factors influence a culture over time?
    1. Standard 18.A – Compare characteristics of culture as reflected in language, literature, the arts, traditions and institutions
  2. How do I affect my social system?
    1. Standard 18.C – Understand how social systems form and develop over time
  3. Why do people have governments?
    1. Standard 14.B.2 – Explain what government does at local, state and national levels
  4. What is civic responsibility?
    1. Standard 14.C – Understand election processes and responsibilities of citizens
  5. How did geography influence the student’s community?
    1. Standard 17.C – Understand relationships between geographic factors and society
  6. How does the past influence the future?
    1. Standard 16.A – Apply skills of historical analysis and interpretation
  7. What is wealth?
    1. Standard 18.B – Understand the roles and interactions of individuals and groups in society

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