Sunday, January 31, 2010

Computers can have complex problems...

Computers are a big part of my life. I cannot go a single day without using my computer whether it is to check my e-mail, instant message with my friends, check Face Book, do research for a project, check the news, or so much more. If a problem occurs with my computer, I always develop a plan right away in order to solve my problem.

This past year, I slowly realized that I was having problems with my laptop. This was my problem. I started analyzing the facts: my Internet was moving slowly and I had many pop-up windows. I took what I learned from my facts and did research on the computer.

I first thought it was a virus. I scanned my computer using Norton Internet Security; however, nothing was found. I tested the Internet after the scan and the same problems were happening. I tried deleting my cookies and again it did not help.

I then entered my specific problems through the Google search engine to see if I could come across a solution. I then remembered that I had recently downloaded a few new free programs on my computer to watch video through different programs. I remembered hearing the word malware. I searched the word “malware” through Google to find a definition. The following definition was found: “Malware is a general term for software programs that have been designed with or can be used for malicious intent. These include viruses, worms and Trojans.”

I then went back to Google and typed in “anti-malware”. The first entry that came up was “Anti-Malware at . I continued on to this site. A free application was offered to scan my laptop to find unwanted malware and remove it from my computer. I checked the site to make sure it was reputable. Then I downloaded the application, and ran the scan. The scan found a few Trojan viruses that had been downloaded onto my computer. I was then able to remove them from my computer. After this process was completed, I checked my computer and Internet to make sure everything was working properly. My check resulted in everything working flawlessly.

In order to solve the mystery of why my computer was acting crazy there were a few steps I had to do. I had to separate what was not working from what was working in order to isolate the problem. Then I was able to do research to analyze my problem. I used a tool, Google, to help me do research from other sources because I did not have an answer personally. It is always important to find other resources whether it is Google, outside experts, or the library to find answers that you may not know. I then took the research that I found to develop a plan. I enabled the plan which in turn was able to solve my problem. I also made sure to “check my work”. I did this to make sure nothing else was harmed or changed because of my plan. If it changed something else in the process it could have created a new problem.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Complex Problem - Motivation for Technology

One problem that I have to face at my school is the lack of excitement and determination to bring technology to our school. My school is a private school that does not have a lot of funds for extras. Technology is currently not ranked very high on the list of items to purchase.

Last year, Home and School was able to put together a fundraiser towards a laptop cart for our school. This was truly exciting to me. This year it was set up and we were able to have Internet for the students as well. Before, we were not allowed to have Internet for the students. In order for the teachers to use the laptops we had to have a form of professional development. Our principal led a quick introduction to the laptops; however, there was not a zest for learning about how to use them for our students. My principal introduced the laptop cart as the hardest thing that the teachers were going to have to learn how to incorporate into the classroom.

My goal is to motivate teachers to use the laptops in their classroom for the benefit of their students. I know many teachers are uneasy about them and they don’t know how to “handle” an entire class with students and the open Internet that can be unpredictable.

My first strategy is to help each teacher feel comfortable. I want to know what they may feel uneasy about and then from there help them overcome that certain “fear”. I would like to know what each teacher would like to learn and then help to teach them. If I don’t know the answer then I will find out. I also want to prove to the teachers that it is not the hardest thing you will ever have to do. It can be easy and aid to your classroom in ways you could never imagine!

My other strategy that I would like to do is have mini-workshops that the teachers can attend if they would like. I hope that these workshops can benefit them in the areas that they may feel that they are weak. For example, I know that many teachers in my school want to learn how to build a website. I can frame a workshop on how to build a website using Google Sites. This workshop, for example, will build skills with each teacher and give them each confidence to continue on the trek of technology!

Building websites is just an example of one type of workshop. I would send out a survey to figure out what kinds of workshops the teachers would be interested in coming to because they are for them. Hopefully these will benefit the teachers in the long run.

Already, I know the students are getting excited about using the laptops. I know there is so much more that as a school we can provide the students with. All it takes is motivation, determination, and willingness to take the time to learn. I have a feeling as long as I get a few teachers to get excited; it might become a ripple effect leading other teachers to technology.